Suci Asri Dwiforessa

Bank Indonesia Muaro Padang or formerly known as De Javasche Bank is a building of a Dutch colonial era financial institution which was later nationalized into state property called Bank Indonesia in 1953. The location of this building at Jalan Batang Arau No.60 Kelurahan Berok Nipah, West Padang District, Padang city. This port city was once designated as the largest trading city on the coast of Sumatra. Various import-export companies, goods warehouses, markets to the existence of a bank office all were present supporting the economy of padang city in its day. At this time, the forced coffee cultivation system was in its peak, so the Padang Branch of De Javasche Bank was designed to welcome developments, particularly to facilitate the flow of financial transactions. This has led to an increase of commercial crops (commoditization) of people’s agricultural products. In 1998, this building was designated as one of the cultural heritages in Padang city, which is well preserved up until now.